Above detail of my work “Radiolarian Skelton: Home for Future Aquatic Life”, rapid prototype from digital file, with blue lighting about 9″ squared 2012
What is so wonderful about this exhibition is that it was incredibly site specific using the existing space and collection to house this extensive group show. The exhibition space is the historic University of Ghent and has been used for years to teach students about human and animal anatomy. I have been involved with this group of medical artists and illustrators for the past ten years and have been impressed with their devotion to their subject matter which is richly steeped in Belgian History where the study of human anatomy first popularized 500 years ago through the Belgian equivalent of Leonardo di Vinci –Andreas Vesalius with his detailed medical drawings of the anatomy.
Below the Medieval Entrance….

Above one of the Three Curators and Artists Pascale Pollier
The artwork in the show ranges from a lighthearted surrealist takes on anatomy to positively macabre investigating the topic of the afterlife and death and the fragility of mortality. The range of international artists in the show is impressive showcasing works by established artists like Belgian Jans Fabre who made a mixed media installation of skulls encrusted with beetle wings to emerging artists like Deborah Czeresko who graced the show with and outsized sculpture of a “poop” infused with gold leaf. Each work was expertly placed in the show. A catlogue “Post Mortem” with essay by the artists as well as a series of films and performances accompanied the show.
To see a full Slideshow of ‘Post Mortem’ show the post: http://www.fabrica-vitae.com/ghent.html
More information about fabrica vitae: http://www.fabrica-vitae.com
Below are some of my personal highlights from the show as well as an interview I did with the show’s curators.
Above: Interview with Curators for Post Mortem in situ Ghent 2015 from Mara Haseltine on Vimeo.

Above many works were exhibited ‘in the autopsy room’ which was in use only months before…
Below a mixed media sculpture by Jan Fabre; Skull with Egg and Skull with Soap both skulls were encrusted with
beetle wings.

“Poop” by Deborah Czeresko Below an outsized glass sculpture infused with gold leaf.2015

Below bronze life sized bust of Andreas Vesalius By Pascale Pollier and Richard Green 2014

Below Myometre Ruette from the collection…

Below silicone broncial tree of a dog

Below Skeleton of Vulture

Below installation by Chantal Pollier (marble sculpture) and Valentina Lauri (photos) 2015

Below mixed media instal “Does No Longer Compute” by Bryan Green 2015

Below artist Bryan Green contemplating his work “Does No Longer Compute” in situ